Marketing For Lawyers

Social Media For Lawyers

Social Media For Lawyers

Social Media Advertising for Lawyers

Social media has a vast following and reach, but is it suitable for Lawyers’ advertising? We have been advertising on social media for years, and there is a place for lawyers on social media in some niches and remarketing. For lawyers to succeed on social media, they must know their niche and the avatar of their potential clients.

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Social Media For Lawyers

In general, using social media to advertise to a cold audience is difficult.

You may not see a return on your investment, except for some areas of law, such as immigration law, Intellectual Property and Personal Injury.

To find out more, call us, and we will tell you if Social media will work for your law firm.

Social Media For Lawyers

Frequently Ask Questions

Because Facebook advertisements are targeted, adaptable, and have a low cost per click or impression, they are popular among lawyers. Because the ads are geofenced by location, people searching for a lawyer in Perth will get different messages than those looking for one in Queensland, as with many other services.

This implies that you only pay if your ad is displayed to someone who may need legal services and has shown interest by searching (i.e., targeting). In addition, Facebook provides advertisers with options such as website clicks and page likes that enable the lawyer to analyse the effectiveness of each advertising campaign.
Yes, but not to a cold audience. We use social media for remarketing to prospects that have already shown interest in your services. Remarketing is an effective way to remind prospects that they need your services.

One exception is immigration lawyers with an excellent return on investment with Facebook advertising.