Marketing For Lawyers

Websites For Lawyers

Websites For Lawyers

What makes a website good? Graphics? Useful content? NO

In the SEO and marketing world, it’s just one thing, will it convert visits to clients? Will visitors to your website call you or make an appointment? That’s it. Everything else, graphics, videos, and content, are designed to make visitors engage with you. If they don’t engage, then the website is a failure.

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Websites For Lawyers

What makes a Good website for lawyers?

Answering the prospect’s questions clearly and using simple (year 8) English. Focus on the benefits to the prospects rather than your skills and qualifications.

Keep it personal, Don’t try and sound like a big corporation. The goal is to build trust and who trusts big corporations.

Make the website easy to navigate. A simple rule is two clicks to anywhere on your site. The two-click rule has two advantages. First, it’s simple for your prospects to use and good SEO practice as Google-like websites that are simple to navigate.

Website load speed must be fast on mobile (under 2 seconds). It’s nice to have lots of nice graphics and photos, but not at the cost of a slow-loading website. The bounce rate (how many people bounce off your site) increases dramatically with every second your website takes to load.

Websites For Lawyers

Websites with large fonts are easy to read. (especially on mobile)

This one simple thing can hugely increase your conversion and improve your SEO. Use a font size of 20, not 14. It just makes the website far more user friendly

Have a clear call to action on your website. Tell your prospects what to do next, and make it simple for them to contact you or make an online appointment. If you make your prospect work too hard, they will bounce.

Websites For Lawyers

Content structured for SEO.

When we design a website, it’s more than just to look good. The website must perform outstandingly for SEO and conversion rate optimisation (CRO). A part of this is how we structure the content so that Google will love it.

Use video on your website whenever possible. Videos are more personal, informative and easier for your prospects to you. Your website will also get another SEO boost when the video is hosted on YouTube and linked to your site, as it’s an excellent quality backlink.

Websites For Lawyers


We build websites for the audience, so the lawyer’s websites are designed to look good and load fast on mobile phones first, as most of your prospects will view them that way. If you want a high-converting website, it must be designed mobile-first. The desktop version will still look good as some prospects will use the desktop, especially lawyers working mainly for businesses.

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These are just some of the elements that go into producing a website with high SEO and CRO that will find and convert visitors to clients.

Websites For Lawyers

Having testimonials on other websites that you don't control is ok, such as Google and Facebook.

Without the use of testimonials to build trust, you can use case studies (No Names). Lawyers are not permitted to use testimonials on their websites.

The idea is to connect with people in the same situation as people you have helped. Be general in the case studies. Don’t get into too many details, and you must be careful not to disclose any information that may be confidential.